92 Products

  • Ocean lapping Bahamian shore at sunset.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Captured one warm evening in late May, 2019.  Such was my rush to exit the car, I almost left the shift in drive because I only had a few seconds to configure the camera.

  • $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    The reason why many a Bahamian school kid have rotting teeth, this was a childhood favorite of mine. I asked the vendors on the beach at Sandals resort if they had any and took this with a manual focus 50mm lens ordered for parts on eBay.

  • $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    I must have looked crazy bent over with my head in the sand taking a photo of a passport just inches away from the tide!

  • Waves crest behind a shell on a sandy beach.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Tutufa bubo, common name for the “giant frog snail” or “giant frog shell”. I take photos of these shells because there was a time when they were so common you could come back with a handful just by going on a shoreline stroll. Today, they are rare and can be seen only in the main public library in downtown Nassau. For years the upstairs section of the library, which used to serve as the first prison, has been closed due to renovations. At some point in the future, I endeavor to get permission to borrow the rarest and photograph them on the beach.

  • Balmoral Island in The Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    I was searching for something to photograph for the longest time near the Blue Sail restaurant overlooking the beach at Sandyport, but couldn’t make anything work.  Finally I just decided to record video of Balmoral Island, named after the castle, when I thought the framing might work well for a still.

  • $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    I missed golden hour and was about to head home when I caught this frame through the passenger window and decided to pull over, cross the road and take the photo. This is an ornamental tree, also known as Indian Almond, Malabar or Tropical Almond.

  • A poinciana flower sits on the beach at sunset.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents
    SPOTLIGHT Beach Poinciana How it was made. This photograph was a happy accident. I was recording video for my website, but the wind was so high that my face ended up getting sandblasted and the flower would not stay anchored. There was a lull in the gusts that allowed me [...]
  • $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Cold weather on the beach at Orange Hill.  I was alone on the beach, save for someone fishing at the far end.

  • $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Everyday, I see this photo and have to remind myself that yes, it is real, and yes, I do live here. It sits above my bed, waiting for me on those days when I’m sick or the weather doesn’t permit leaving the house.

  • A colonial-era post office collection box with Royal Cypher in downtown Nassau, Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    A colonial era postal collection box stands in front of the Pompey Museum of Slavery & Emancipation at Vendue House in downtown Nassau.  Like all of these scattered throughout the globe, it was manufactured in Scotland.

  • Sunset over the ocean through a veil of Casuarina tree needles.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Through a thicket of Casuarina needles, the sun comes to rest in western New Providence.

  • A tree and foliage in an overgrown field adjacent to Shirley Street in Nassau Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Behind the cemetery at St. Mathew’s Anglican church, sits a small clearing near Shirley Street.  I had to stop my car because the atmosphere was so mystical.

  • Mallow flower bloom in Nassau, Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Also known as Rose Mallow and Hawaiian Hibiscus.

  • wide angle view of Chipman Estate in New Providence, Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    This is a wider shot of the Chipman Estate, an abandoned parcel of land on West Bay Street, across from the area where many fishing boats moor. These boats are usually owned by the same people that run the restaurants of Arawak Cay.

  • Three coconut trees overlooking the ocean.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    I was able to make this photo after many failed attempts over several days.  I knew the image I had in my mind but the light wasn’t cooperating. Finally on a chilly winter day in February, the sky was cloud free and I was able to complete my vision.

  • An abandoned building sporting flamboyant colors on Bay Street, Nassau.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    This downtown building sat abandoned for many years before it fell apart or was partially demolished.  I was very lucky to catch this fleeting state of beauty.

  • Turquoise waters and a blue sky surround Long Cay in The Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    I was hanging off of a ladder and fell into the water.  The Camera got wet, but luckily not salt water entered the barrel or body.

  • A clam shell overlooks Saunders Beach in Nassau, Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    I work so hard to get these photos.  I look forward to a day when I can get some proper lenses and a camera undamaged by sea salt or plagued by sensor issues.  He persisted.

  • Bars on an exterior bank window illuminated by sunlight.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    This is one of the oldest buildings in downtown Nassau. Royal Bank of Canada was the first international bank to set up operations in the country more than a century ago, followed by Barclays.

  • A long exposure of a rock formation sitting in the ocean.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents
    SPOTLIGHT Dreams How it was made. I created this because I love the idea of long exposures with color. Many people create these in monochrome.  
  • Two palm trees in the foreground with Nassau harbor lighthouse in the background.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    Two coconut trees frame the Nassau harbor lighthouse, completed in 1817.

  • A Bahamian island sits in calm water surrounded by stratus cloud formation.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    I’m in love with this island and wish it was available to buy.  Then I wish I had the money to buy it.  I would then try to gain independence from The Bahamas and rename it Capricious, before going bankrupt.

  • Sunset over ocean tides in Nassau, Bahamas.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    It was hard to get this photo without the undulations of the sea getting the tip of the lens wet.  I was standing on slippery rocks trying to get a clear shot of the sunset.  My mother used to say whenever the sun was red like this, it was the dust from the Sahara Desert being blown all the way across the Atlantic.  There is some truth to this.

  • Pastel colored fine art photography featuring long exposure.table with oriental vase and fine art photo on wall.
    $149.00$254.08 + VAT for Bahamian residents

    As a small child, I remember being transfixed by the animated film from 1940 set to classical music. The narrator was the conductor from a live orchestra.  It was an amazing technical accomplishment if you think about it from a color and musical perspective.  At the time my father would have been two years old.  Making this felt like a nod to Disney.   A portrait orientation of the photo “Long Cay Time Travel”.